• Velon is unique
• Easy to use at home
• Customized programs for each user
• Manageable locally & remotely
Transdermal Methods
Transdermal drug delivery offers several advantages over traditional administration methods, however only a small percentage of drugs can be delivered due to the skin barrier properties.
To reach a stable therapeutic effect is therefore crucial to enhance skin penetration.
Transdermal Electroporation
Transdermal drug delivery by electroporation is a useful alternative to the traditional methods of administration such as oral or injectable means.
Transedermal electroporation is a technology based on a momentary creation of small pores in the skin by applying electrical pulses.
With appropriate electrical pulses, Velon creates a temporary permeabilized state that can be used to deliver a variety of compounds through the skin.

Velon Advantages
Velon is an innovative fully integrated skin electroporation system to be used at Home, Clinic & Spa
Medical & Cosmetics
Velon enhances penetration of a wide range of compounds available in the market. It also supports advanced personalized pharmaceutical or cosmetic formulations.
Velon Proprietary Algorithm allows personalized treatments based on user’s characteristics.
Home electroporation
The HandVelon compact portable design brings electroporation at home, allowing self tratments in a safe and easy manner.
Non invasive
Velon transdermal drug delivery has advantages over hypodermic injections, which are painful and generate medical waste that can pose risk of disease transmission.
Velon personalized electroporation signals ensure that low energy is used during treatments, eliminating the risk of inducing skin damages.
Velon ensures high drug uptake with reduction of application frequency.
Management Software
Full - featured management software, with automatic Prescription generation, Rental Reports & Adherence
System Components
Velon Mate

For Clinic/Hospital/Spa use
For Home & Clinic use
Velon Mobile App
Velon System Architecture


HandVelon is an innovative handheld device designed for transdermal drug delivery by means of Electroporation
Skin microelectroporation
The pre-programmed electric waves generated by HandVelon create temporary pores on the skin outer most layer enhancing transdermal drug delivery.
Optimized Sequences
HandVelon electrical sequences are optimized for safe and efficient skin electroporation.
HandVelon stores sequences studied by biologists and medical experts, based on the physical and chemical characteristics of the substances to be administered.
The Transdermal Compound Sequences - TCS, once loaded on HandVelon are processed by a proprietary complex algorithm for user personalization based on each user feature like anatomical site, age, gender and many other parameters.
Treatment at Home
HandVelon is compact, very easy to use and designed to support personalized
Electroporation Treatment Protocols - ETP - for user safety and convenience.
The compact battery operated HandVelon allows user to do self administration in a quick, safe and easy manner.
The device is loaded with customized programs for each user to deliver the prescribed substance.
Home treatments are logged and monitored to ensure strict compliance.
Users who needs repeated treatments can avoid repetitive visits to the Clinic / Hospitals / Spa saving time and money.

Velon - C
Management Software
Velon - C is a software application developed for easy Programming, Customization and Management of the HandVelon and ClinicVelon portable electroporator devices.
Velon - C main features are:
• Create Electroporation Treatment Protocol (ETP)
• Program HandVelon for home use
• Create Compound Prescriptions
• Manage the Rental of multiple HandVelons
• Create Adherence Report

By means of Velon - C it is possible to program HandVelon and ClinicVelon based on user’s data, and substance physicochemical characteristics for a personalized treatment.

Management Software

Adherence Report
The Adherence Report describes the degree to which a user correctly follows the advices during home treatments. HandVelon logs in real time all the user’s treatment data. Specialists & Doctors can assess patient compliance with all the treatments performed at home.

Rental Report
The Rental Report shows an overview of all active rentals as a given time.
For each rental, the Treatment duration, the Start and End dates, the Compound Prescription and the Rental charges are shown.

Compound Sequence Library
Wide library of skin electroporation electrical sequences developed for each substances can be downloaded from Kimea Server. Examples:
• Prescription only medicine
• Over the Counter medicine
• Cosmetic products

Thanks to Velon flexibility and personalization features, a range of Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical formulations are supported.